I have uploaded some short videos of Anyanka's little scamps taken during the week by Andy to our Flickr AlbumThe videos are mainly of the girls as the boys were sleepy! This week has been a big adventure for them as they have just started to explore outside the kitten room, so our next videos will be of their new adventures.All happening here as we are just getting ready to start the extension which has been in the planning stages forever, but I am quite excited as it means we can hopefully sort out the garden next summer and have the extra space for our furry family!Andy should be taking some new photos of the kittens tomorrow and I will update the blog with them probably early in the week.Kitten Availability
We still have Alexandrite Calix (Blue Tabby and White boy) available in Anyanka's litter but all his siblings have now been adopted.
Please contact me for availability with Galina's kittens or if you would like more details about Calix kittens@alexandrite-siberian-kittens.co.uk
Finally got some photos of Anyanka's little ones at the weekend and I can't believe they are only just 5 weeks old this week, they seem so much older! I am still pondering on the names, hopefully I will have decided for when the next photos are taken. Andy says I take too long, but to me the name has to fit the kitten and at the moment they are just little scamps and they can't be called that!
The kittens are what I can only describe as "Feet Magnets", when you look down they are by your feet waiting to be picked up, stroked or played with. They are so cute and so laid back.I have had a lot of enquiries for the kittens so if you have emailed me about a particular kitten please let me know as soon as you can if you are still interested, please email kittens@alexandrite-siberian-kittens.co.uk.
Blue Smoke and White Boy - he is "Feet Magnet" Number One and as you could see in his videos so very cute and laid back. He maybe the smallest in the litter but he definitely doesn't know it and he makes up for it with a cheeky face and nature!

Blue Tabby and White Boy - "Feet Magnet" Number Two, he is just like his brother around your feet and when he isn't doing that he is scamping about with his siblings!

Black Silver Tabby and White Boy - the last of the boys and "Feet Magnet" Number Three, he also has the scruffy look well and truly honed! Yes, he was brushed before these photos were taken but you wouldn't think so and Mishka his dad would be in shock as he always looks well groomed :-)

Black Silver Tabby and White Girl - just as sweet as her mum Anyanka, when the videos were taken on Sunday she was fast asleep and she looked so cute. When she isn't asleep she is exploring and was one of the first out of the kitten box.

Black Silver Tabby Girl - this little girl can be seen in the video fighting with her brother, and when the photos were taken she was little bit cross with Andy for disturbing her afternoon of fun and exploring!

(Photos @ 4 and half weeks of age)