Just a little announcement, 2015 was a difficult year for me health wise and personally with the loss of two of my close relatives. To help me cope with this and the changes to my life due to ill-health I started using colouring in as a stress relief and art therapy. I enjoyed this so much I started to draw again and from that I've created my first colouring book named by Andy, called "Enchanted Colouring".
It features nearly 40 illustrations including, dragons, fairies, pixies, owls and of course beautiful Siberian Cats and Kittens. The colouring book will be available through a new Etsy Shop, called Nog, Pepper and Me. I've put a lot into this on very tough days when I've not felt very well but its been a life line and I've loved seeing the images come alive and now I'm getting to colour in my drawings and I'm really enjoying it. It's fun picking colours and schemes.
The book has gone to the printers and both Andy and I can't wait for the proof to arrive, hopefully in the next week or two. If you love Siberians, enchanted lands and colouring in, I think you will like this. I do plan to have some giveaways when the colouring book arrives.
Here are some images from the book, hope you like them
Front Cover |
Handsome Boublik and his armoured owl, image from photo by Maria Bunina. |
Dragon and compass |
Getting the illustrations ready for the book! |
Hot air balloons and fairies |
Pretty Nishka and her angel wings |
Fairy doors |
Grumpy and his dragon |
Handsome Mishka and his pet dragon |
Please see my new blog Nog, Pepper and Me for more details and you can find updates on my Instagram account @NogPepperMe